The secret of effective online education is not only in the substantive development of materials. E-learning training courses must be well-designed to make learning more pleasant, help in remembering new concepts, and accelerate knowledge acquisition. Here’s how to approach it. […]
This month your questions about UX design were answered by Antek – UX Team Leader. Want to learn about the biggest e-commerce design mistakes, cognitive errors, and psychology in UX? You’ll find it all below! Why are UX and psychology […]
After COVID-19 times we really know that telemedicine is more and more convenient for healthcare professionals and patients alike. The future of healthcare depends on the new age of technology. The World Health Organization defines telemedicine as follows: The delivery […]
The global e-commerce market has undergone a revolutionary change in the last two years. Covid-19 has dramatically accelerated the departure of customers from brick-and-mortar stores and forced many companies to abandon their traditional business models. In the years 2019-2020, we […]
In a world where time is limited, and the need for competence development and knowledge acquisition is constantly increasing, we are looking for tools that can easily and quickly assist us in this process. We know from experience that we […]
The benefits of a user-centered approach are increasingly recognized and constitute the basis of the product design process. When talking about global brands that offer their products all over the world to users who speak different languages and come from […]