Med-Tech is a part of our word!
MedTech is an extremely broad term, including basically all technological creations that can be used to save lives, and prevent, or treat a variety of conditions. These creations may not be directly related to each other such as bionic prosthetic limbs vs. pregnancy tests, while all of these technologies have one common purpose - which is to improve the quality of treatment and diagnosis in order to raise the level of care for patients (all of us) as much as possible.
Recently, the growing part of the Med-Tech industry is Digital Health, through which we as Kreatik, a company that supports digital transformation, cannot pass by.
digital health (healthcare)
The author gives us a broader view of Digital Health and also gives the readers a breakdown of DH into the various (often common) parts that she believes exist today. Corinne also presents the challenges facing the DH industry in the near future.
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"Digital health technologies help providers reduce inefficiencies, improve access, reduce costs, increase quality and make medicine more personalized for patients. At the same time, digital health technologies enable patients and consumers to manage and track health and wellness-related activities more efficiently."
Corinne Bernstein
what includes
Digital Health?
Digital Health is a multidisciplinary term that includes concepts from the intersection of technology and Healthcare. Digital health is the digital transformation of healthcare, including software, hardware, and services.
In our view, the DH includes:
Understanding Digital Health - what's included in this term.
Digital Health includes 6 important elements which are presented in the graphic above. In the article, we take a closer look at these elements and explain their role and importance for the development of DH around the world - on specific examples.
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"These innovations are designed to save time, increase care accuracy and efficiency, and combine and improve technology. The health debt to society is constantly growing, however, there is a good chance that modern diagnostics will translate into better results and more and more frequent use of personalized medicine."
Growing impact
of innovations
A digital health decade: driving innovation in Europe
The article presents statistics and the ways in which European companies can drive innovation in the near future and make the greatest impact on patients, health professionals, and ultimately society as a whole.
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"This publication identifies promising health technologies on which Europe could take the lead and offers a concrete policy roadmap to unlock their potential. Success depends on three key conditions: channeling investments, promoting health data flows, and enabling health technologies to be adopted at scale."
Life is becoming more digital. The healthcare industry is no exception. Technology changed the way we interact with our doctors, how we monitor our health, and even how we get medical information about ourselves. This creates an opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to enter the industry and invest their money in it.
How To Get Started In Digital Health? A Comprehensive Guide
For those looking to start their own digital health business or launch digital health initiatives, there are many things to consider and questions to be answered. From the article, you will learn about the upcoming industry opportunities, budget and where to get additional funds, etc.
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"There aren’t many issues today in the healthcare sector that digitization cannot address. It offers us a new way of thinking about and addressing things like patient engagement, chronic disease management, cost containment, and even mental health. If you’re going to jump into the digital health industry, you’re going to need to know its main selling points."
Medtech Founder
How To Build A Digital Health Startup In 2022
In the article, the author presents seven basic steps to build a Digital Health company. The industry is changing at a rapid pace, and you'll find information about successful companies and some tips that may have worked a few years ago, but not necessarily today. The article also presents the role of MedTech founders and their help.
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“Those that understand how to access the right solutions quickly and only spend time building what they absolutely have to will be the fast-movers in today’s digital health marketplace. If there’s one piece of advice you learn today, it is that building a company in digital health today is very different than even a few years ago.”
MedTech Founder
Benefits of
Digital health
What Are the Main Benefits of Digital Health?
The article presents the main advantages of Digital Health providing convenience for both patients and healthcare professionals.
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“Digital health tools possess a great potential that can be put to use for improving the ability of doctors to diagnose and treat diseases more efficiently and accurately.”
digital health
Despite the progress and development of Digital Health that we have described in this Newsletter, there is also a segment of the public that is watching this trend with concern and fear for their safety.
TOP 10 Dangers Of Digital Health
In this article, the author summarizes the top 10 risks that technology brings to the Digital Health era. He also points out how we can prepare to take advantage of the offered by technology while keeping potential dangers at a distance.
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“From the elimination of privacy through hacked medical devices to bioterrorism, there are signs of alarming trends that few take seriously.
Nevertheless, we must generate discussion around these issues and help prepare every stakeholder to address them.”
Dr. Bertalan Meskó
Wojciech Radomski
Strategy and business project leader with more than 15 years of business-IT experience. Innovator, visioner, successfully launched and managed Software House and currently, Wojciech is focused on developing StethoMe®, which is about to revolutionize healthcare.
I would like to thank you for finding a moment for us. Please, tell who you are, what you do, and what StethoMe is.
My name is Wojciech Radomski, I have been the president and co-founder of StethoMe for seven years. Previously, for 10 years, my partners and I ran a software house. Then we sold it and started our adventure with StethoMe. Honorata and Jędrzej - PhDs from the Adam Mickiewicz University joined us in this adventure. They came to us with the idea of the electronic stethoscope. StethoMe is an electronic stethoscope for home use with artificial intelligence algorithms to detect abnormal sounds in the respiratory system. While more and more devices such as electronic stethoscopes appear on the market, we are still the only company in the world that has medical certification for artificial intelligence algorithms that can analyze these sounds. There is a big difference between what is available on the market and StethoMe.
Please tell us something more about the very beginnings. Where did the idea for this product come from, and how long did it take to develop? What was the biggest challenge you faced during this whole process?
Where did the idea come from? After 10 years of running an IT company, one day I came to the office and suddenly found that I no longer wanted to do these boring IT systems for another company where each of them is very similar to the other. And it would be nice to use these resources, vast knowledge, and experience to do something that will change something in the world. I returned to the subject of my studies, "Computer Science in Medicine". We had a lovely teacher there. The final task was to find a doctor with a problem and solve it using technology. I remember today the moment of passing this course when all the teams presented their projects in the laboratory room. I was captivated by the enormity of these interesting solutions, which at that time were such amazing innovations and had great potential to support medicine. The reality was that after passing, they were hidden in a drawer and nothing happened to them afterward. It stuck in my mind that there is enormous potential for combining computer science with medicine. This is how the idea came to my mind: maybe this is the direction that will help us change something in the world. I wrote a short post on Facebook that we are an IT company, we have experience, we have capital, and connections and we are looking for a doctor who has a problem that we will be able to solve using new technology. Well, this post was answered by Honorata and Jędrzej. Indeed, they were not doctors, but PhDs of acoustics, and also they are both parents of young children who face lung problems. As PhDs of acoustics, they have repeatedly wondered what the doctor hears in these headphones. When they researched the topic, it turned out that the stethoscope as a medical device since its production 200 years ago wasn't improved. It turned out that stethoscope study is very subjective and there are many mistakes. We did short research, and saw that a device like StethoMe still doesn’t exist. It immediately grabbed our hearts, and this is how StethoMe was created. We established the company in May 2015 and started looking for financing. Back then, everyone was still in their “original” work, and after hours we started looking for funding and focused on the EU project. We have tried twice with the EU project and have not been able to get the money twice. The moment has come that we decided to look for an investor. Thanks to our contacts with previous projects, we managed to find an investor very quickly and very efficiently in the investment process, and thus we obtained the first 1.5 million pln to start the project. On January 1, 2017, we started full-time work on this project. Honorata and Jędrzej, still working at the university, brought in their best students, whom we hired. And this is how the adventure with StethoMe began.
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Future of
Digital Health?
A significant and growing challenge in Digital Health applications is personalized medicine. The massive individualization in health care is a time horizon not of a few years, but more like a few decades. Personalized medicine is to be based largely on prediction and prevention.
What is the Future of Digital Healthcare?
Based on data from a report by Jabil Healthcare, the author predicts how the Digital Health industry will change over the next few years, and in which areas we can expect the greatest transformation.
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“The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a massive shift toward more aggressive leverage of digital technologies in healthcare. The entire ecosystem is evolving to address limited resources: the people, places, and things which make up our healthcare system.”
Conor Mulcahy
Digital Health is part of Med-Tech and includes: Mobile health apps, Wearable devices, Telehealth, Telemedicine, EMR/EHR, and Personalized medicine. |
Medical technologies like Digital Health generate information and data that are critical for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and management of health and lifestyle. |
We have to remember that there are two types of DH apps: Health/Wellness or Healthcare/mHealth. |
Digital Health technologies help providers reduce inefficiencies, improve access, reduce costs, increase quality and make medicine more personalized for patients. |
Due to the massive amounts of data collected from a variety of systems that store and code data differently, data interoperability is an ongoing and main challenge. |
The whole world is currently moving towards the digitization of healthcare systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the trend. Digital Health is the future. |
Creatures responsible for this newsletter
Maciej Marczak
Maciej in Kreatik deals with a useful design. His overriding goal is the benefit the user so that the use of digital products is intuitive and functional.
He is a graduate of Management at the Kozminski University in Warsaw. Additionally, he has also experience working on the development of content and social media in large Polish media companies. In everyday work - disciplined and looking for extraordinary solutions.
Paulina Miracka
Paulina in Kreatik deals with graphic design, UI, and illustration for some projects.
An Interior Architect by education, but she has focused her career on digital design and this is where she really fulfills.
She gained experience by implementing projects for small companies, cultural and state institutions, universities, logistics, and transport companies.
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