Find out how we do usability testing

That is a crucial part of the design process – usability testing has designed to check whether a website or mobile application is usable and fulfills the pre-defined goals from the users’ perspective.

Recruitment of the participants
Developing the scenario
Preparation of the summary and conclusions document

… for whom
For companies
who want quick feedback from potential customer that will use product/solution. Usability testing will give you the best possible feedback in a valuable way.
For companies
who want to save their time and money. Usability tests will allow you to react in time to some imperfections in your product, which can be eliminated before official implementation.
For companies
who want to improve the impression, satisfaction and benefits of your digital solution. Investing in usability testing will allow you to verify problems and then eliminate them.

… when to do usability testing?

With the relatively low cost, relative ease, and speed of performing Usability Tests, which will provide practical optimization tips – we recommend doing them whenever you intend to launch a new product on the market or redefine a product already available.

… how long?

Zależy to od wielu czynników, biorąc pod uwagę, że należy liczyć się z czasem na przygotowanie samego scenariusza wywiadu, zrekrutowaniu uczestników oraz przeprowadzenia od 5 do 10 wywiadów: to czas około 2-5 tyg

… which tools we use?
A method to identify user behavior on the Web. It allows to identify which elements attract users’ attention.
A/B testing
Provides an opportunity to test and compare which version of a website, for example, is the most effective.
Task-based usability testing
The purpose of the tests is to demonstrate whether users are able to understand the concept of the system, as well as how they actually use it.

… what you
  • knowledge of unfamiliar perspectives of their target audience
  • emphasis errors and elements that should be changed or redesigned
  • there is no wasting money pulling in people who don’t deliver conversions

… to sum up …

The high percentage of effectiveness of usability testing makes it the best possible solution in terms of improving the experience, satisfaction, and benefits of websites and mobile applications.

See what design&delivery we did for our clients:

Cooperation with Kreatik was based on commitment and deep understanding of client’s needs. Efficient communication, professionalism and finding solutions together – that’s the best summary of work on our project. Highly recommended.
Dominika Jeżowska
Eurocash Dystrybucja

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Piotr Pawłowski
New Business Sales Manager
+48 531 267 965
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