Lisner is the leader of the Polish market for herring preparations, salads and sandwich spreads. They are part of the pan-European food concern UTM. The company has been present on the Polish market for more than 30 years.
The company was undergoing a rebranding when they approached us.

About this
Our task was to redesign their website. The purpose of their website was to present a differentiated product portfolio, and create a business card site (image of an expert and market leader).

The begining of project
After the client provided us with the necessary materials, we organized a series of workshops where we defined the information architecture of the new website, and together with the team on the client’s side, we analyzed benchmarks and inspirations.
Then we moved on to preparing UX mockups, smoothly transitioning to drafting UI screens and clickable prototypes for the client.
At first, we designed a landing page that included all the information necessary from the users’ perspective, as well as redirects to subpages: “Products” and “Recipes”.
On these sub-pages, we focused our attention on the filtering mechanism. The final stage of the design process was the design of the EKO sub-page.