trend analysis

We analyze data from the industry of interest and related industries to identify key trends affecting the product’s final shape and find inspiration enriching the software with innovative solutions.

Defining direct and indirect competition
Analysis of industry trends directly related to the company’s activity
Analysis of trends and solutions from other industries in order to look for inspiration
Trend analysis report with specific recommendations

… for whom
For brands
who are planning to expand into a new market.

For companies
who are starting the process of creating new software.

For businesses
who are looking to find a unique value proposition that sets them apart from the competition.

For businesses
who are looking to break the status quo

… when to do trend analysis?
  • at the beginning of the new software development process
  • in the course of an important decision-making process preceding a product change, before a pivot
  • when expansion into a new market is planned
  • when we want to identify a space for innovation that distinguishes us from the competition

… how long?

Depending on the purpose of the analysis, we select activities that will allow us to collect key information, on the basis of which we will prepare a report with recommendations and conclusions on significant trends.

The trend analysis may take approximately 2-4 weeks.


… which tools we use?
Technology research
Analysis of direct and indirect competition
Analysis of trends in the industry of interest
Inspirational research – analysis of trends, standards and solutions from related industries

… what you
  • you will learn what are the key trends in the industry
  • you will find out what solutions the competition offers
  • you will gain material on the basis of which you will create software that will earn money and which users will be willing to use
  • you will know what innovation the market users value

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Cooperation with Kreatik was based on commitment and deep understanding of client’s needs. Efficient communication, professionalism and finding solutions together – that’s the best summary of work on our project. Highly recommended.
Dominika Jeżowska
Eurocash Dystrybucja

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Piotr Pawłowski
New Business Sales Manager
+48 531 267 965
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