#7 NEWSLETTER MVP - MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT  You may associate the term MVP primarily with startups, but even if your company is further along in its development, is MVP something you can still pay attention to? The MVP concept is so close to our hearts that we have decided not only to dedicate space to it in the newsletter but also to write a comprehensive e-book bringing together all the information that anyone wishing to create a digital product from scratch will find useful.
Array ( [post_type] => newsletter [posts_per_page] => 9 [offset] => 1 [paged] => 1 [tax_query] => Array ( [relation] => AND [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => newsletter-cat [field] => slug [terms] => strategy ) ) )
#4 NEWSLETTER SERVICES AMONG THE CLOUDS The expansion of SaaS solutions cannot be ignored. Every day, multitudes of users sit down to use programs that only exist in the 'cloud'. Undeniably, the principles of the pandemic time have created new human needs to which SaaS solutions have quickly responded. It is not surprising that SaaS solutions are so quickly adopted by users. They are easy to buy and use immediately, allowing better team collaboration and no need to deal with data storage or maintain your own servers.  It sounds like a paradise for anyone who wants to create their own solution, but where competition is fierce it is worthwhile to be well prepared. Read on to find selected knowledge on strategies, tactics, and best practices as well as case studies. 
#2 NEWSLETTER EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD - THING ABOUT MARKETPLACES The idea of a marketplace is as old as the world, and trade has existed in communities for many thousands of years. Nowadays we are witnessing changes that are taking place thanks to the development of technology in this field. One thing is certain, for a market to exist there must be two parties willing to participate in the process - the buyer and the seller and the PLACE to bring them together. This is where it all begins.
#1 NEWSLETTER PEOPLE WANT TO TRY BEFORE THEY BUY Before you buy a new perfume, you want to know what it smells like, don’t you? That is why there are perfume testers on the shelves in the drugstore. For the same reason, Slack, Dropbox (and, until recently, Netflix) offer their users a free trial period that allows you to test their offer before buying access. What do all these examples have in common? The go-to-market strategy they use is called product-led growth.
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